New Year Resolutions To Try and Keep for 2021
It's a New Year and that means times for a new start, a new chapter and a new mindset! Most of us set out with good intentions and a list of New Year resolutions that we end up forgetting after a couple of weeks!! Here are some suggestions that hopefully you can actually keep to!
Meditation for 10 Mins A Day
Getting some 'you' time is very important to your wellbeing and metal health. Just 10 mins meditation can help anxiety levels, stress and quality of sleep. Why not download an App or check out some free You Tube tutorials to get you started. The commitment will be worth it.
Show Some Acts Of Kindness
This is a very important resolution. Showing some small act of kindness to anyone can make their day and make you feel better about yours. Check out our post on: 14 ACTS OF KINDNESS TO GIVE IN 2021 to give you some inspiration.
Workout each week
This is portably on everyone's list and it is probably the resolution that gets stoped the fastest!! Health and wellbeing is very important, now more than ever. You don't have to go wild in the workout Isles...even a walk once a week can make all the difference. A regular toning session or maybe a workout DVD. Start slow and build up. (Remember to always check with your doctor first).
Give Something New A Go
Variety is the spice of life! Trying something new doesn't only stimulate the brain, it is a way of exploring life and all it has to offer. OK... we realise that getting around isn't the easiest thing at the moment, so maybe try a new hobby at home or start an online course in a specific skill.
Set A Goal
Having a goal is the BEST motivation you can have in life. Maybe you are working to a goal already, if so, keep focused and think about all the things you can do in 2021 to reach that target. If you don't currently have something to aim for in life...give it some thought, decide on a specific goal - it can be anything, work related, home related...whatever it is... focus on achieving just that. This can really give the brain purpose and something to strive for.