Beat The January Blues & Keep The Positive Vibes Rolling!

Beat The January Blues & Keep The Positive Vibes Rolling!
Beat The January Blues & Keep The Positive Vibes Rolling!
Don't let the anticlimax get you. Many of us suffer from the January blues. After a dreadful 2020 and entering a New Year in Lockdown...for most we have a feeling that a lot of you are going to feel it.  When the twelfth night dawns and all the Christmas cheer and decorations have to come down, we are all usually accessing our bank balances, realising the Christmas chocolate has gone and the weather is poor!
It is important more than ever to take steps to combat January sadness and prevent it from having an impact on your New Chapter and everyday life. 

1. Exercise

Beat The January Blues & Keep The Positive Vibes Rolling!

Nothing like a workout to get the serotonin flowing! A walk, a run, a yoga session or DVD class. There is no need to go out in the bad weather, hit your You Tube app and just find yourself a class or get a fitness DVD to make a start.  You don't have to go all out straight away, it is best to start gradually and build, always check with the Dr first be before starting something new. 

2. Self Love

Beat The January Blues & Keep The Positive Vibes Rolling!

We all need a dose of this, lets be honest! It is important to take out the time to give yourself some care. This can be by keeping up with your beauty or preening regime or relaxing in a bath with your favourite fizz! Pampering yourself a little is definitely the key to a girl's confidence and better mental health. Try and put your worries and responsibilities out of you head and just chill out.  Reading a book could be a good option or maybe you lose yourself in that film you have been meaning to see. 

3. Set A Goal

Beat The January Blues & Keep The Positive Vibes Rolling!

 Having a goal in life is so important - a target to work to.   This keeps you motivated and gives a passion for life.  Striving to achieve whatever you milestone you set will give you that push to give your best each day.   Check out our post on


4. Therapeutic Hobby

Have you got a hobby?! If so, why not make time for it right now...focusing on your passion can really help the mind.  It gives focus and will be very therapeutic in times of stress. If you don't have an extra interest, why not take up one? Learn something new! There are plenty of free online courses in all kinds of creative areas. Art, music, writing, flower arranging... you name it! You never know what new doors a hobby can open in your life! 

 Beat The January Blues & Keep The Positive Vibes Rolling!

5. Talk to someone

People need people - nobody is an island, even thought you may feel like it sometimes!  Reach out on virtual calls to your friends and to get through the January blues phase together.  A joint effort can really help get you through the winter down phase. Together you can look forward to Spring and hopefully a more positive time ahead.

Beat The January Blues & Keep The Positive Vibes Rolling!

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